How to join
Joining the Network
The IDL Network website provides articles, posts and pages of (hopefully) useful and interesting material on interdisciplinary learning. It also provides web-links and pointers to free downloadable teaching resources that offer good exemplars of IDL and 'starter' ideas for and about IDL development and delivery. Think of it as a newspaper or magazine all about IDL, with links to free resources.
Subscribing to the website
Pop your email address in the form below and click "subscribe" to receive notification of new articles when they are posted.
Don't worry, it's easy to unsubscribe at any time. We will not use your data for anything not connected to running this site.
House rules
Of course, this is a professional space and therefore we expect nothing but professional language and behaviour towards our visitors and users, including the authors of posts, and commenters. Posts and commentary are also expected to be relevant to interdisciplinary learning in Scotland. Thank you for your understanding.
Adding material
If you would like to contribute to the website, or a link to IDL resources, please leave a comment. We are keen to hear from you, whether you have an idea for a single article, just want to learn, or would like to be a regular contributor.