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Ken, great to see the further support for IDL as you have always been once of the strongest advocates for this being explicit in our learning and teaching approaches.

You may remember the IDL thought paper the initial IDL codesign group published…well the group reconvened approx 2 years ago and has now had over 200 educators and partners involved. I’ve been fortunate enough to lead (using the term loosely) this group and as a nod to IRQA produced a practice update to the through paper. This exemplified some of the partners who work with schools on IDL Project Learning….and beyond that we also have another bunch of partners (including Powering Futures) contributing to this work.

Despite the group having educators from early years, primary, secondary, FE, HE and CLD, and over 16 partners involved we have reached a general consensus of how we will take this forward.

We have split the work into 3 key themes, shifting culture, pedagogy and professional learning. We are just beginning to do the testing of some prototypes for professional learning and hoping this will be live very soon.

If you’d like to know more about this workstream and how it may contribute to the response to IRQA it would be great to discuss.

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